

This past week things returned almost to normal in our work in the sector. We really were able to take advantage of the extra hour in the evenings. It's a valuable time. We also had our Book of Mormon activity and it went well. Luciano came and shared his testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was special and awesome.  We taught the papa of a member here who is 17 and it was really great. His name is Jorge and we hope to see him progress well.  This week I leave Chile and return home to Texas. I will miss all of what the mission has been. But it has prepared me for what comes next: endure to the end! I am excited for the adventures ahead. The experiences I have had here, and the people I have met have changed who I am and I am very grateful for everything I have accomplished here. It has been two years of constant progress and testimony building.  The secret to it all is simply doing the small and simple things. Daily prayer and scripture study, church each Sunday, and reg


This was a pretty awesome week. We started teaching a lot of new people. This past Monday, we only had 30 minutes to work after P-Day ended before we had to be inside of the house. It was absolutely pouring rain. As I thought about it as we were getting ready to go, I thought, is this 30 minutes really worth it? But- it was a good test of faith for me to see where my desires really were. We went out and found a new person to teach, and when we came out of the lesson, the sun was brightly shining. Glorious is the work of the Lord! I had various intercambios this week. It was great to work with Elder Arnett once again. We had an incredible lesson with Luciano, who is 17. He doesn't believe in God as we see him. But in the middle of the lesson we asked him to kneel down with us and pray and he did. He finished with a huge smile on his face and we asked how it went. He said that he felt something weird and had desires to cry. It was an incredible experience. There's a lot of prog


I forgot to hit "publish" last week, Sorry!! --Rebecca So this week was a little different than normal. Chile is going through a lot of protests and things so we spent a lot of time indoors this week. Some days we could only leave if we had specific appointments set and in the homes of members. And yesterday was the first day they let us wear our nametags publicly. We didn't wear proselyting clothes for a long time this week. It was rather different. Meant lots of time to study and meditate. Even with all of that, we were able to start teaching a new family this week. Suzi and two of her 4 children. We hope they can make good progress! They came to Natalia's baptism last week. On Saturday we attended the baptism of another sector in our zone and I did the baptismal interview earlier in the week. I love seeing the testimonies of these people as they choose to make this covenant with God. It is inspiring. I heard good news about Wilson and Alex in my old secto


This week started off well on Monday night. We found an antiguo we wanted to go by in the area book and we knocked and talked to the lady who came out. She's a member turns out, and her husband is not. He has had many previous interactions with missionaries but never acted much before. Well, a minute or two after talking to her outside, he pulls up- home early from work (a very nice "coincidence"). I asked if we could go inside to meet them better and they said yes. We talked and got to know them for a bit, and the shared lesson 1. It was an incredible lesson and we even invited him to be baptized if he received an answer. He said he would! The catch was that later we asked him if he would pray to receive an answer and he responded that he would if he felt like it. He was unwilling to act to receive the answer. We are going to continue to try to work with him because I know he can receive the answer, he simply doesn't want to. It's sad what he is missing out on wi


My new area is full of houses. Lots of houses and then the usual stretch of campo where we really will not focus on too much. We work two wards here, that are both pretty small. But it means double the work as we coordinate with two bishops, mission leaders, etc. Definitely going to keep me busy in these last weeks. We have met both bishops and are working with them to gain their confidence and respect. My new companion is Elder Ward. He is from Pleasant Grove, Utah and graduated in 2019 from Lone Peak High School. He is here with lots of desires to work hard. He speaks very well, but lack of understanding has been a shock for him. Almost always is at the beginning, but I know that the Gift of Tongues is real and he will be okay very soon. He left the Peru MTC last week. In the sector we are teaching a women named Natalia who has her baptismal date soon. She is super excited for it! We have had two lessons with her since I got here. In one, we also taught her two daughters of 4


I will be headed back to Valdivia where I started my mission, but on the other side in another zone. I will be training a missionary of gold and also acting as the only Zone Leader in a zone of 20 missionaries. Lots to keep me focused. I just hope I can have a good influence in my 6 short weeks there. A. is doing well. His life is not easy at all, but the teaching continues well. We had an incredible experience with him this week. We were teaching him the plan of salvation and he stopped us to tell that he was ready to stop smoking. He had felt he needed to do it in the morning and as we talked he said that he felt a pressure on his heart and that the box of cigarettes in his pocket was really bothering him (we were teaching him in the chapel). So he asked us to throw them away and we happily obliged. He is very very sensible to the Spirit. He said that when he got rid of them that he felt an incredible peace that he couldn't explain. That he felt like he was floating. It was s

