week 39
This week we were able to see an example of the Spirit really working with and changing someone. Hermana Alicia, the mother of Darlin, called us out of the blue asking when we were coming again and when we showed up later that night was thrilled to see us. She offered to say the first prayer and finished in tears of happiness and gratitude. She still has a lot of progress to make to start coming back to church, but the desires are there now and they have come from the Spirit and not from us. She has started to read the Book of Mormon regularly with her daughter. Hopefully this helps her to progress and have desires to baptize soon so she can enjoy the blessings of the Holy Ghost in her life. She told us she wanted to wait until she was older to make the decision and at first I thought that was okay, but the more I have thought about it I have realized there is a reason we baptize as an 8 year old, one being to have the Holy Ghost to accompany and help us throughout all of our lives. ...