Week 52
Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope it went well for everyone! We made our day a little special-er by buying some truffles and chocolate covered, manjar-filled stick things. The truffles were chocolate, but tasted more like bubblegum.....not exactly sure why. Interesting enough though. We also got home and cooked some french fries and chicken patties so we had our own feast. Also saw our neighbor's turkeys, chickens and ducks wandering free and I would be lying if I said my mouth didn't water just a little bit when imagining one of those turkeys baked in the oven. :) Missed out on the pumpkin pie, but just means I will eat double next year! We had a good day though. Yesterday we taught a couple named Francisco and Julia. They live in a newer neighborhood in the city and are currently adding on another room to their house. We found him a couple weeks back when we saw him unloading big plywood from the roof of his car and ran over to help him before he killed himself....