Hey everyone! We are in Puerto Montt at the moment on our way to Osorno for leadership conference tomorrow. We flew up from Punta Arenas this morning. Don't have a ton of time, but here are a few questions and responses about my new area. I'm loving it here! Love, Elder Brighton 1.How was your plane trip down to Punta Arenas? What did it feel like to travel alone or did another missionary fly down there with you at the same time? We traveled in a group of 5, 4 Elders and 1 hermana. I was the missionary with the most time in that group. The flight was 2 hours and a handful of minutes long. The airline is pretty similar to Frontier, as in you pay for everything up to your carry on bag. No free on board drinks. 2.It looks like the average temperatures are a bit cooler in Punta Arenas compared to Osorno. Does it feel different there? The weather is much different. They weren't lying when they say how windy it is down here. Thursday was even more so than normal a...