
At the beginning of this week, we had our Consejo de Líderes and all of the Zone Leaders and Hermana Leaders from the mission traveled (by plane, bus, taxi, etc) here to Osorno. I was assigned to talk a little bit about how to achieve goals and some of the mission goals. (I guess that is what I get for setting the goal of learning how to set and achieve goals at the beginning of this year.) I was pretty nervous for the time I was given and I made like 3 pages of notes and outlines for it but still went into it without any real concrete idea of what would happen. I had been praying and fasting though that I could do it well and follow the Spirit. With that peace in mind, I had my time and it went really well. We were able to talk through a few things and ideas and set some new goals for the mission. Some of the ideas that Elder Anderson shared in a training recently include the idea of stair step goals. That we set small, achievable goals and slowly increase them. He said that about 1 in every 3 times we should achieve our goals. Shows the importance of setting goals that really make us stretch! Sorry for the number of times I said the word, "goals".

Ricardo was baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday. He was so happy. Makes everything worth it to see someone like that. He shared his testimony on Sunday again after his confirmation. He has a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. And he is very anxious to serve and help others. I am sure that he will soon be a strong leader in the Church here in Chile. Thank you for your prayers of encouragement and support.
I love you all
Elder Brighton


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